Making the most of data: supporting data stewardship in local ecosystems
On Tuesday, 23rd May 2023, I chair the webinar “Making the most of data: supporting data stewardship in local ecosystems” at Eurocities. This session is part of the activity of the Data Working Group withing Eurocities’ Digital Forum . Data stewardship is a figure recognized by the European Data Governance Act and the...
Digitizing Government Ecosystems. De Klik Met De Burger. March, 28th 2023. Mechelen (Belgium)
On March, 28th 2023 I was invited as a keynote speaker at the De Klik Met De Burger event in Mechelen (Belgium) to speak about Digitizing Government Ecosystems. I was also able to present the work we’ve done during the last 15 years to position Zaragoza as one of Europe’s most innovative & sustainable cities. …...
Democratic co-production of sustainable public services. Rome. Dec, 14th 2022
Democratic co-production of sustainable public services is an event related to the Interlink project. We focus on new ways of delivering public goods and services, in particular regarding what concerns democratic an feasible co-production of public services. The discussion will be centered on how to promote sustainable development and...
Governance of the Data Space for Smart Cities and Communities. Eurocities Digital Society Forum. 5-7 Oct 2022 (Madrid)
As chairs of Eurocities Data Working Group, on Oct, 6th we moderated the pannel “WG Data: Preparations for a data space for smart communities – Multistakeholder data governance”, during the Eurocities Digital Society Forum held in Madrid. The aim of the session was to prepare the member cities to the inminent start of...
Democratizing co-production of sustainable public services. 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research. 15-17 June 2022
On June, 16th I will be participating in the the Digital Government Society (DGS)’s 23rd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research – dg.o 2022, with a theme “Opportunities, risk and policies in smarter cities: Intelligent Technologies, Governments and Citizens” dg.o 2022 will be hosted by the Graduate...
Talks and public events 2021
7 de Diciembre. Panel and discussion on “Digital Coordination through APIs” hosted by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission at APIdays Global Congress (París). 30 de Noviembre. Presentation of the book “Ciudad abierta, ciudad digital” at the Chamber of Commerce of Zaragoza. 5 de Noviembre....
Daniel Kahneman. Thinking Fast and Slow: some thoughts from Córdoba
Kahneman shows that if potential earnings are bigger than potential losses then the most rational strategy is to take the risks even in 50% gambles (this, of course, does not exclude adopting risk mitigation policies). In cases where the probabilities of winning are greater than 50% and the reward in case of earning is greater than the loss in case of failing, not adopting innovative policies may cost public institutions large amounts of tax dollars.
Application Programming Interfaces in Governments: an urban API #nowplaying
During the fall of 2019 I was interviewed on several occasions by Monica Posada (scientific officer at the Digital Economy Unit of the JRC) on the subject of governments APIs (Application Programmin Interfaces). Monica was interested in knowing Zaragoza data ecosystem, its APIs and digital assets.
Spring 2020 On-line Program of Talks & Lectures
No travel, no face-to-face events this spring. But we will be sharing screens and ideas anyway. In these hard times, there is a lot to be talking about on urban innovation and smart cities: data, DIY manufacturing, open challenges for recovery, start-ups.
Join us in our next talk:
June, 16th. At the Smart Cities’ Sofa Summits. Talk about “Smart City Challenges for Recovery after Covid-19”
Autumn 2019 Program
‘Cause not everything it’s about on-line reading, check out this autumn’s events where we can meet in person: