Urban Data and Co-Creation
Interview during Eurocities’ Knowledge Society Forum celebrated in Zaragoza in November, 2018...
Dublin’s Declaration on Smart Districts
With the sole exception of a clearer reference to environmental and energy sustainability, Dublin’s Declaration on Smart Districts represent a practical set of guidelines that any planner dealing with the design, delivery or management of innovation districts should look at.
Data sharing and co-creation will boost urban innovation
Data sharing is something we all think should be happening but that no one has seen yet. In my Master on City Sciences’ thesis I pointed out that there are gigantic organizational and behavioural (psychological) barriers that block the way. As more projects on co-creation start in the following years, and small scale urban data sharing examples are being built, we expect that a whole new body of knowledge about the subject will appear.
Nordic Smart Cities: connecting people and ideas to the city
Our keynote at Nordic Smart Cities, Stockholm, on Nov 3rd on the topic of “Cities as Innovation Platforms” and the specific case of Zaragoza (Spain)
Smart innovation through active citizen participation
Daniel Sarasa’s interview for Nordic Smart Cities about smart innovation, whose original content can be found here. If people are given the power to decide and be part of the decision-making process, their mark is felt all around. The city of Zaragoza manages not only to aim for active citizen participation, but to actually...
Cities as innovation platforms
Before becoming a professor, Daniel Sarasa (born 1972) was a student at MCS, so he can give us both perspectives about the master’s degree. He is Smart City Program Manager at Zaragoza City Hall and co-author of “Zaragozá’s Open Government Strategy 2012-2015. Towards a Smart Citizenship”. Moreover, he is co-editor and co-founder of openyourcity.com.
At CCW. Turning critical infrastructures into citizen-centric platforms
We were pleased to participate in the last Critical Communications World event, held in Amsterdam on June 2nd, 2016 and to answer CCW Event Director Emma Banymandhub’s questions. Here is the full interview For the third instalment of our Critical Communications World “A Day in the Life of” series, CCW Event Director Emma...
Smart lighting, public space and urban innovation
The Italian magazine “Luce et Design” interviewed us for its April 2016 number. We talked about topics such as urban innovation strategies, smart lighting, digital art, public space and… refugees.
Sharing big data to deploy smart energy services
On Jan, 29th 2015 we spoke at the “Smart energy UK & Europe Summit” in London, where we had the chance to discuss and develop the idea of advancing towards a “data sharing economy”. What we were presenting, basically, is how a new kind of organizational relationship between urban players could eventually lead both to …...
Measuring urban innovation
A KPI is not just an indicator, it is a Key Performance Indicator. Keys open doors, as answers do. Before taking out another KPI, think about the importance of the question that your KPI will unveil.