On March, 28th 2023 I was invited as a keynote speaker at the De Klik Met De Burger event in Mechelen (Belgium) to speak about Digitizing Government Ecosystems.
I was also able to present the work we’ve done during the last 15 years to position Zaragoza as one of Europe’s most innovative & sustainable cities.
A lot of learning, mostly through failure, that I have consensed here in 12 non-technical aspects to think about when transitioning towards a #digitalgovernment
- Be agile, have a “guerrilla” team with appropriate innovative and risky mindset
- Innovation ecosystems can’t be planned, but they can be nurtured
- Be open to adapt to priorities shifts
- Use your intuition to launch experiments, and KEY data to check & adjust (plan, do, check, act)
- New services produces new data: be ready and harness it
- Reuse data and turn it into knowledge and share data to make new things possible;
- Iterative design
- Collaborate with smaller frontrunners and find new ways to finance and exploit your services
- Empathy and creativity to define Win-Win situation.
- Take care of your workers and colleagues: engage and train.
- Make solutions reusable and open up your services to others
- Change management: place matters to change makers
The video of my keynote speech “Digitizing Government Ecosystems. lessons from Zaragoza” is available here.
And a whole summary of the event, including videos to all presentations can be found here.