Beyond Innovation Districts: Why Peripheral Communities Matter, by Jon Glasco
How and where can cities accelerate innovation as an economic development strategy? In recent decades, many urban leaders attempted to answer this question through investments in innovation districts. “More than 80 innovation districts have been identified in cities across the globe,” according to Carla M. Kayanan, a researcher at...
Housing in Google’s Smart City in Toronto
The critics of Sidewalk Labs’s (Google’s real-estate subsidiary) project of creating a Smart City in Toronto tend to focus on its most “Orwellian” aspect: the unjustified large-scale collection of personal data. But few have remarked that housing in Google’s Smart City in Toronto project is tantamount to a swindle.
Innovation Districts. ¿Growth or Decline?
Innovation Districts are perhaps the most visible physical manifestation of global innovation flows. Yet we don’t believe this to be the final destination. We believe that if we’re to avoid perverse effects, town planning policies that promote economic development need to be decentralized.
Zaha Hadid’s Pavilion Bridge: Linking Architecture and Smart City
Mobility is an essential side of any smart city strategy, as it is a smart citizenship. But, traditionally, the motor industry around Zaragoza has stood with his back turned to the city. The situation will likely change when the Pavilion Bridge opens its doors and the citizens will be able to interact with the latest developments when they walk through its exhibition rooms.
Innovation Districts: From Barcelona to Dublin, This Is What I Know
Elections for Mayor are a-coming. With the aim of shaping my contribution to the approaching campaign, I have been reflecting lately on innovation districts. Ours, the Digital Mile (Milla Digital) is unfinished. One tends to think that all innovation districts are, by definition, unfinished. But, seriously, the Digital Mile must be one...
Dublin’s Declaration on Smart Districts
With the sole exception of a clearer reference to environmental and energy sustainability, Dublin’s Declaration on Smart Districts represent a practical set of guidelines that any planner dealing with the design, delivery or management of innovation districts should look at.
The Digital Mile: Past, Present and Future of Zaragoza’s Innovation District
I have been recently invited to speak at “Digital Media City (DMC) International Conference” (to be held in the capital city of South Korea on Sep, 27th-28th) about Zaragoza’s Digital Mile innovation district. Digital Media City is, doubtless, a major achievement in South Korea’s strategic move towards an...
10 keys for planning an innovation district
Whereas you are studying the subject of innovation districts, or just interested in how these new districts are launched, implemented and managed, you might find useful a quick review of what we think are 10 important elements to for planning a succesful innovation district. This post was inspired by former seminars within the network of...
New Century Cities workshop. Zaragoza Nov, 8th-10th 2012
From MIT’s web site (adapted): “New Century Cities (NCC) is a joint research initiative among MIT’s Center for Real Estate, City Design and Development in Urban Studies and Planning, and the Smart Cities Group/Media Lab which focuses on a new generation of development projects. These very large-scale projects are...