Written by 16:28 Publications

Publications by Daniel Sarasa

Urban innovation, smart cities, technology and creativity… Here are some of the works that Daniel Sarasa has published, alone or in collaboration, over some of these important urban topics.

Articulos y libros innovación urbana


“Urban Innovation: a Practical Guide”. Self-published.

“Urban Flows and Big Data”. Chapter 14 in volume “Network Design and Optimization for Smart Cities“, edited by Gakis, K. and Pardalos, P. (University of Florida, USA)

“Building and Urban Big Data Sharing System”. Chapter 15 in volume “Network Design and Optimization for Smart Cities“, edited by Gakis, K. and Pardalos, P. (University of Florida, USA)


A guideline for a public-private partnership on urban big data sharing”. Sarasa, Daniel. Self-publication (*).

(*) This work is published under a Creative Commons license. Some rights reserved.


“Technology and creativity: keep at children’s reach”. Economic Journal of Aragon. Nº 54. Septiembre, 2014.


“Etopia. Center for Arts and Technology” Arnal, José Carlos. Gistaín, Mariano. Sarasa, Daniel. Edited by Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation.

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Last modified: 09/09/2020