Written by 18:13 Featured, Urban Studies

Master in Collective Housing (MCH) – UPM/ETH

MCH Urban Studies

(MCH), an international postgraduate program of advanced architecture design in cities and housing presented by Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM) and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). Because of its prestigious faculty and programMCH is currently considered the best housing architecture master in the world by architects an experts, and it is ranked as the number one architecture master’s program in Spain, according to El Mundo.

The core concepts of Jane Jacobs’s work are issued in a practical and specific way in its specialties City Sciences and Urban Design & Landscape. Professionals from different countries receive a series of lectures on the subject, followed by the development of real practical exercises, where they implement Jane Jacobs’ concepts from a contemporary approach.

Web www.mchmaster.com
Tel. +34 913 364 222
Mail info@mchmaster.com
More info here


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Last modified: 31/08/2021