Written by 18:50 Talks and interviews

Calendar of public talks Oct’15 thru’ Dec’15

Cities as innovation platforms

Oct, 28th. At Master of City Sciences’ opening session, Madrid. Lecture on “Cities as our biggest solution providers”. See review here.

Nov, 6th. At Eurocities Annual Conference in Living Cities, Copenhagen. Speed networking session on “Citykeys: Key performance indicators for smart city projects”

Nov, 19th. At EERA Joint Programme Smart Cities´ Symposium (Smart City Expo side event), Barcelona. Talk on “Measuring urban intelligence through the Citykeys KPI framework”

Dec, 2nd. At University of Córdoba, Córdoba. Conference on “Extracting value from Big Data in cities”

Dec, 4th. At Smartravel Portugal, Bragança. Talk on “The city as an innovation platform”


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Last modified: 06/01/2022